Wingnut to Visit UVa

I grabbed this flyer off of a wall tonight in Cabell Hall as I left my French exam.
Horowitz's Frontpage Magazine was touting Frank Gaffney as the speaker for this ding dong event but I guess he was unavailable. It looks like wacky Ricky is going to present the lecture or whatever it's supposed to be.
As much as I would like to go and challenge this fool I have a lot to do between now and next Thursday so I'm not sure if I can make this event or not. I'm really quite curious to see how many brainwashed students show up and who the faculty or admins might be.
It depends on how much I get accomplished over the weekend. ,
3 Opinions:
As a UVA grad, I'm also curious to know who's involved . . . and also what Professor Quandt thinks of it. Please post if you find out.
Hey RJ,
You made the big time on Crooks and Liars! Hope your studies are going well and you're keeping cool with your peppers.
Dr. C.
I do not personally know Prof Quandt but one of my roomies does and speaks of him often. My roomie Dirk is very politcally active.
It's my two minutes of fame...
Keep your eyes open, C&L may visit you next.
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