Wednesday, September 07, 2005


This has been a tough week in so many ways.

Really at a loss for words over the things I have seen and read on the tube and the internets.
I have cried, shouted, cried and shouted.

Seeing these things unfold in New Orleans really makes me wonder just what the fuck is wrong with our country.

This disaster sure makes so many things seem so insignificant, so damn insignificant, like pissing around in Iraq...just what the hell are we doing there?

We have no leadership, and have not had leadership for some time.

This past week, I'm ashamed to call myself an American. Won't be feeling much better about it when the search and rescue teams start pulling bodies out of those submerged houses.

Don't really have anything else to say. ,

8 Opinions:

Blogger Dr. C speaks!

RJ, I will admit that I have felt the same as you in many ways. But, there appears to be a groundswell of support for the people that have been affected. All of the schools are collecting food, clothing and money. Medical staff from our area are going to do temporary assignments there. Even the Dems and Repubs in Maryland are joining forces! Maybe some good will come out of it.

There is absolutely nothing we can do about Bush and his royal fuckedupedness. He's with us for three years. Cheney, although he is the real president, would still be a disaster. Maybe we will take back the Senate or, miracles happen, the House.

5:32 PM  
Blogger oldwhitelady speaks!

and to top it off, there are all those bodies floating in the water.

9:51 PM  
Blogger Redjalapeno speaks!

Mom Nature exposed us in a collective sense, showed us who's really boss.
I think real change will only come about if more people that aren't coventional politicians get involved in politics.
This whole exposure may change my direction in life after I finish my doctorate.
Right now my head is kinda confused, I want to teach and use my training to help society, but that may also mean getting involved in the political scene.
One day at a time.

9:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous speaks!

"Seeing these things unfold in New Orleans really makes me wonder just what the fuck is wrong with our country." ...but, your other post about the advances in our society and all of the good that has come from it would leed me to believe that you thought the country was "advancing" in the right direction. It almost sounds like you agree with my original assertion.

Why is everyone so suprised at the under-performance of the Governments response to the situation? I for one was not at all supprised.... it's the Government. Perhaps folks should look to themselves and each other for aid and help, and stop looking to Government to "make things right."

1:20 PM  
Blogger Redjalapeno speaks!

Dear Wilkie,

People and advances are two different things. Some people utilize advances for the greater good, some do not.

People are the problem, not the advances or the system.

It comes down to whether you have integrity or not.

And, a large part of our country is advancing in the right direction, however, another part of our country seems to want to fight these advancements, cling to policies and traditions that are pure crap. According to you, most conservatives see progress as deterioration.
I really truly would like to hear a good thorough explanation of what that means exactly.

Go back and read the post, carefully. Think long and hard. Perhaps even...respond to that post instead of jumping on my observation of the failure of the people who have the power and resources to do something but did not, and trying to twist that into something that conforms to your belief.

It's people, PEOPLE that are the fucking problem, not the tinfoil goverment boogyman that you speak of.

Speaking of the tinfoil boogyman, who's been in charge of every branch of that boogyman since 2000 and what's happened in this country since then? What have we been doing? What have we not been doing?

What did Bush, the supposed man of action, the man of freedom and blahdy blahdy fucking blahdy blah do in the face of the worst terror attack in our nation?
He lied to us all and led the charge into Iraq, all while the religous right and 'compassonate' conservatives backed him up with 'moral values' vote.

Who was the voice of dissention in that debacle?
What were the voices of dissention called?
I'll answer that for you: I was called a traitor, America hater, terrorist sympathizer, communist, and coward.
Bullies are cowards. America is being led by a coward that attacked a nation that was no threat to us whatsoever. NONE.
Still think the mystery WMD's are in Syria?

Sound familiar?
Yeah, it does. He reacted the exact same way when the Towers were attacked. He just sat there, lost.

I could tell you what I, and many others in this country would've done if I or others were the president. I would've gotten my ass down there ASAP and roled up my sleeves and got to fucking work. Not fly in for a photo op with firemen and then talk about Trent Lott's house getting washed away. BOO fucking hoo. He can afford to build two more just like it.

Look at the comments by Bush and his family since Katrina hit Louisiana and surrounding states.

What party of goverment do they represent?

What kind of fucking compassion and morals are they talking about?

I don't agree with your original assertion at all. Go back and read the post, carefully.

2:30 PM  
Blogger pattygal speaks!

i was driving and crying this morning ont he way to work listening to NPR... Rosalyn Story, a Ft. Worth writer, commented on New Orleans, a beloved American city known for its romance, soul and charm... but until now tourists never saw the poverty, the homelessness and ultimate helplessness that was just beneath the surface.

its true and i'm guilty too. I cry for the flooded beauty, the drenched soul of a city that I so dearly loved... and I am ashamed when i see the true face of poverty. what it really means to not have money, transportation or a place to stay when disaster strikes. how shallow are the people who say "why didnt they just leave?" the real question is "why didnt we just help them?"

i haven't been able to blog at all... i don't think anything i can say could give justice to the criminal neglect we've been witnessing.

I can only give... money, food, goods, my time if I knew how & where... and hope that collectively, as we all look in the mirror and don't like what we see... that somehow and someday it will get better.

3:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous speaks!

"It's people, PEOPLE that are the fucking problem, not the tinfoil goverment boogyman that you speak of."
... I agree, the problem rests squarely on those people who put faith in Government to take care of them, to protect them (especially from themselves), and to make everything OK.

"According to you, most conservatives see progress as deterioration.
I really truly would like to hear a good thorough explanation of what that means exactly."

Actually what I said was that a lot of what Left-leaners view as progress is not considered to be progress at all to a Right-leaner. For example, the country has "progressed" to the point where women can kill their unborn child if they see fit. While this was indeed a "change" in the law, most conservatives would argue that this law reflects a decline in our civility and morality. Another example would be that we have "progressed" in the work environment to the point that every worker is scared to death of loosing their job, so much so that they consistantly work extra time, are so afraid of loosing their jobs that they don't take all of their vacation. This is what our increased efficiency and computer automation has given us.

An analogy to this point would be this: just because every square is a rectangle, doesn't mean that every rectangle is a square. Just because society is changeing, it doesn't necessarily mean that things are changing for the better. It's a matter of perspective, I guess.

4:46 PM  
Blogger not in use speaks!

"I agree, the problem rests squarely on those people who put faith in Government to take care of them, to protect them (especially from themselves), and to make everything OK."

Surely the problem is with those people who are happy to accept a where situation the government does not accept responsibility for what the should take responsibility for - without which responsibility there is no point in having a government - and responsibility which the government of every other civilised nation in the world accepts responsibility for.

On which note I just leave you with a repeat of a quote I have used befeore:

"To the rest of the world the disarray and mayhem on display for most of last week in New Orleans offer powerful confirmation of the basic, unpalatable truths of American society.

They depict an essentially Hobbesian nation in character. Every man must fend for himself. The rich, unimaginably comfortable by global standards, can take refuge in their affluence. The poor, most of them from ethnic minorities, looking like exiles from the Third World, are left to sink and die

A government that does not really take seriously the very idea that it has a responsibility to help the disadvantaged. An Establishment so focused on pursuing wars abroad that it has neither the inclination nor the resources to fight disaster at home."

5:21 PM  

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