This is my attempt at an 'artsy' garden and harvest photograph. That old Caddy in my neighbor's yard helps I guess. Notice the tomatoes...hee hee. I've gotten eight so far and the Fourth of July is tomorrow. Most people 'round these parts don't get ripe tomatos until the end of the first week of July. It's no big deal either way.

The whole shabang.

A tomato close up. It's tomato porn.

Snap beans in between tomatos and zucchini. The zucchini started to acquire this
gray mold that we get here so I chopped half of those plants down and tossed them into the compost pile.

This is why I grow zucchini. It's the first week of July, there are about twenty or so in the bottom of my fridge and I've been eating two a day now for about a couple of weeks. I picked some snap beans yesterday but only a handful. Once they start to roll I will probably get rid of all the zucchini plants and maybe throw a more few seeds in the ground for that late season bumper crop. We'll see what happens.
With the world about to come to an end due to the war mongering chimp and Israel about to commit an Adolph Hilter on the Palestinians, this garden is my little oasis. I hope you and yours can find a place of peace, and remember that there are many Iraqi and Palestinian children that have no hope and nowhere to go.
,Labels: Pepper Farm, Thai Peppers, zucchini