So think bad sex.
I am flabbergasted, flabbergasted I say, at Bush's renunciation of Amnesty International's report on Bush's gulag, Guantanamo.
"It's absurd" Bush declares.
No, I'm not linking up a bunch of shit to support my view. It's everywhere you look.
Horowitz and his academic bill of rights, aka Affirmitive Action for whiny ass conservative students with persecution complexes.
Senate Republicans trying to rewrite every fucking rule they can to support their unprecedented grab for power.
Religous right-wing fundamentalists wanting to adopt frozen embryos. Yeah, that's for real.
Bush, suggesting that said embryo's ought to be adopted as opposed to being used for scientific research.
I live in America during a remarkably regressive time period. The reinvention of the Dark Ages.
Science is being ridiculed, creative design or intelligent design (read: creationism) is being touted as a viable alternate theory to evolution.
Religous conservatives and Republicans are in control of damn near everything and they are not happy about it. Perhaps they will never be happy but that's a topic for educated psychologists to debate.
Anybody out there feel good about the direction our country is headed?
Anybody that is except the Bush faithful that seem to think a frozen embryo is worth saving but fuck all those innocent Iraqi bystanders. (They're just collateral damage in the very just cause of shoving democracy down their throats in order to freeeee them)
I had trouble yesterday, Memorial Day. I thought about my grandfather, who served in Okinawa and the Korean War. He told some horrible stories. He told me Okinawa was the worst thing he had ever seen.
He died at the ripe old age of 65, but I tell you he had lived two lifetimes in his 65 years.
I thought about the guys in Iraq.
I thought about the Iraqi's being killed by our guys.
I wonder how Bush can reconcile war and the death of innocents with his anti-abortion/pro-life/freedom and liberty/religion is personal mantra's and viewpoints.
Whew, I'm full on negative today.