While I was washing dishes...
Conservatives exist to keep society from progressing too fast,
Liberals exist to keep it from coming to a complete stop.
Heat with Flavor
"What motivated President Bush's political strategist, Karl Rove; Vice President Cheney's top aide, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby; and others to counter Wilson so aggressively? How did their roles remain secret until after the president was reelected? Have they fully cooperated with the investigation? The answers remain elusive. As Fitzgerald's team has moved ahead, few witnesses have been willing to speak publicly. White House officials declined to comment for this article, citing the ongoing inquiry.But a close examination of events inside the White House two summers ago, and interviews with administration officials, offer new insights into the White House response, the people who shaped it, the deep disdain Cheney and other administration officials felt for the CIA, and the far-reaching consequences of the effort to manage the crisis."
"As our President likes to speak about "our mission" in Iraq and "our mission of defeating terrorists" in the world, so Cindy Sheehan has found herself on a mission. Our President speaks resolutely of "staying the course" in Iraq. That's exactly what Cindy Sheehan is planning to do in Crawford (and undoubtedly beyond). George prides himself on not flinching, giving ground, or ever saying he's sorry. But he also had remarkably good luck until he ran into Cindy. Whether in his presidential runs, in Congress, or elsewhere, he really hasn't come up against an opponent who was ready to dig in and duke it out blow for blow, an opponent ready never to flinch, never to apologize, never to mince words, never to take prisoners. Now he's got one -- and like so many personal demons, she's been called up from the Id of his own war: A mother of one of the dead who demands an explanation, an answer, when no answer he gives will ever conceivably do; a woman who, like his neocon companions, has no hesitation about going for the jugular. And, amazingly, she's already made the man flinch twice."
Picked this beauty from the garden a couple of days ago. Not sure if it's the total absence of rain, 95+ degree days, or just a wonderful mutation mom nature likes to display every now and again.
In general the garden has given up. It started off looking great and producing quite a bit of grub, but no rain since late June has taken it's toll.
Had to yank up all but 3 of the zuchinni plants and about a third of the snap beans. Once the bugs get in there, disease and mold follows and that carries right into the produce. The zukes were turning yellow and hairy before they reached 5 inches, and the ants and fruit flies were having a field day.
'Sniff sniff' The jalapeño plants have given up as well. I have one crop, waiting for them to turn red, and no new blooms. It doesn't help that I snatch one occaisonally either.
The Thai peppers however seem to be thriving. I stepped on one picking that freaky tomato and snapped it off at the ground. Now there's a small tupperware in the frig full of green Thai's. I see a Bangkok burrito in the very near future. ,